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The Klappir IRO Management Solution

Streamline Your ESRS Compliance and Reporting with Advanced Management Tools

Experience the future of Impact, Risk & Opportunity (IRO) Management with the Klappir IRO platform, designed to fully integrate with the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS). Our platform simplifies ESRS compliance and enhances report creation by offering tools for double materiality assessments, gap analyses, and the development of policies, actions, and targets aligned with ESRS requirements. Achieve clarity and compliance in your ESRS disclosures with Klappir IRO.

Key Features:

  • Double materiality assessment to manage sustainability impacts, risks, and opportunities.
  • Creation and monitoring of policies addressing material aspects.
  • Design of targeted actions and measurable targets to improve sustainability performance.
  • Streamlined ESRS reporting process for clear and effective disclosures.

Getting Started: Our user-friendly platform provides pre-made matrices and step-by-step guidance for a smooth transition to ESRS compliance, covering everything from gap analysis to action plan management and ESRS report structuring.

Our Approach: We support sustainability leaders with a structured onboarding process, including project phases, work sessions, and practical assignments to ensure a comprehensive understanding and implementation of ESRS standards.

Join leaders in sustainability and take the first step towards streamlined ESRS compliance. Please fill out the form to start your ESRS journey.