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CoolPlanet, leading the way in decarbonisation strategies

Simplifying decarbonisation for the world's most complex organisations

[CoolPlanet](https://www.coolplanet.io/), specializes in simplifying decarbonisation for the world's most complex organisations. The focus is on providing holistic, actionable solutions for reducing carbon emissions across all scopes (1, 2, and 3), enhancing sustainability performance, and aiding compliance with regulatory requirements like the European Union's Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).

CoolPlanet services extend beyond merely identifying emission sources; it delivers real-time data and analytics, integrates with existing systems, and offers scalable solutions to large organisations.
CoolPlanet's approach is data-driven, aiming to improve operational efficiency, reduce energy and resource usage, and ultimately increase the brand value of our clients by demonstrating their commitment to sustainability. Through a bespoke software, CoolPlanetOS, CoolPlanet offers continuous monitoring, optimisation, and educational tools to facilitate an enterprise-level path to Net Zero, aligning the goals from the plant room to the boardroom.

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