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Recording: Webinar 3 - Dive into Due Diligence

Unveiling the Secrets of Due Diligence and Surveys

🗓️ Original Date: November 30, 2023
⌛ Duration: 45 minutes
Host: Isabelle Broddén
Presenter: Thorsteinn S. Jonsson

In the webinar we delved into the world of due diligence and equipped participants with the skills to create impactful surveys. We explore the powerful survey tool embedded in our software and provided valuable insights into crafting the perfect questions.

Key Highlights:

  • Explored the ins and outs of effective due diligence.
  • Navigated through the survey tool embedded in our software.
  • Mastered the art of crafting strategic and meaningful survey questions.

If you couldn't join us live, now is your chance to catch up!

How to Access the Recording: Fill out the form and you will be sent a link to the webinar recording.

We understand that sustainable success is a continuous journey, and we're here to support you every step of the way. If you have any questions, need clarification, or want to discuss how these insights can be customized for your organization, feel free to reach out to us via contact (at) klappir.com.

OnDemand Webinar Series

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OnDemand Webinar 2 - Dive into Double Materiality (IRO)
OnDemand Webinar 3 - Dive into Due Diligence
OnDemand Webinar 4 - Dive into data takeaways