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Recording: Webinar 2 - Dive into Double Materiality (IRO).

Missed the Live Event? Catch the Recording Now!

In this recorded session, we take you on a deep dive into the intricacies of the multi-step process of double materiality. Whether you're just starting or seeking to refine your current practices, this webinar equips you with the knowledge to understand the task at hand and guides you on how to get started effectively.

Key Takeaways:

1. Understanding of Double Materiality:

Explore the multi-step process: Gain a thorough understanding of the intricate steps involved in the concept of double materiality. Uncover how it plays a pivotal role in Environmental, Social, and Governance Reporting.

2. Practical Insights into IRO Management Systems:

Insights at your fingertips: Learn the nuances of the Klappir IRO (Impact, Risk and Opportunity) management systems and how it contributes to the overarching sustainability strategy. Understand how it can be effectively integrated into your existing workflow.

3. Actionable Steps for Implementation:

Ready to take the plunge? Discover actionable steps to implement what you've learned. We believe in providing not just theoretical insights but also practical guidance on how to apply these concepts in your specific context.

How to Access the Recording: Fill out the form and you will be sent a link to the webinar recording.

We understand that sustainable success is a continuous journey, and we're here to support you every step of the way. If you have any questions, need clarification, or want to discuss how these insights can be customized for your organization, feel free to reach out to us via contact (at) klappir.com.

OnDemand Webinar Series

OnDemand Webinar: Webinar Series on ESRS: Your concrete guide to ESRS, less theory, more action
OnDemand Webinar 2 - Dive into Double Materiality (IRO)
OnDemand Webinar 3 - Dive into Due Diligence
OnDemand Webinar 4 - Dive into data takeaways