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Join our Partner Program

Welcome to the Klappir Partner Program, where we believe that sustainability is a collective effort. Join us in our mission to make the world a greener and more sustainable place by becoming a partner in our journey.

Sustainability is a collective effort

At Klappir, we are passionate about sustainability. Our main product, the Sustainability Platform, is a cutting-edge web-based software solution that empowers companies to measure and manage their environmental impact with precision.

Join our Partner Program

The Sustainability Platform revolutionizes the way you manage sustainability. With all your tools and data consolidated in a single, user-friendly digital platform, you can say goodbye to inefficiencies and embrace streamlined processes. Our platform is designed to align with global standards and guidance, ensuring that your sustainability statements are transparent, trusted, and aligned with CSRD and ESRS.

Why Partner with Klappir?
Partnering with Klappir is a commitment to sustainability and a smart business move. Our Partner Program is designed to foster mutually beneficial relationships, providing you with valuable opportunities to expand your business, differentiate your offerings, and drive revenue growth.

Key Benefits of Partnering with Klappir:
1. Industry-Leading Software: Partnering with Klappir gives you access to our state-of-the-art Sustainability Platform, a product that stands out in the sustainability software market.

2. Revenue Opportunities: As a partner, you can tap into a growing market and earn significant revenue through our generous partner commissions.

3. Marketing Support: We provide our partners with marketing collateral, resources, and co-branded materials to help you promote Klappir products effectively.

4. Training and Support: Our team is dedicated to ensuring your success. We offer comprehensive training and ongoing support to help you understand our product inside out.

5. Differentiation: Klappir can help you differentiate your business by offering a unique and essential software solution to your clients.

6. Sustainability Impact: Partnering with us means joining a community that is actively contributing to a more sustainable planet.

Join Us in Building a Sustainable Future
By becoming a Klappir partner, you're not only expanding your business opportunities but also contributing to a more sustainable future.

Ready to partner with Klappir and join us on a journey towards sustainability together? Contact our partnership team today to get started.